The first academic year 2007-08 of the Master course, closed with the biggest challenge i could have. Last session took place in late June 2008. Despite the weather conditions and the general feeling of relaxation that most people had, i have started to think and form my plan.

For me that was a challenge to brainstorm and innovate. The truth is that i had already something in my mind but i was expecting the right moment and the appropriate stimuli to work on it.

Assignment was due to 10october08.

The idea was original and successful, at least in the way it was presented: "Recycling Stock Market using Information and Communication Technologies".

In this effort i had tried to bring together three seemingly indifferent fields: ENVIRONMENT-ECONOMY-TECHNOLOGY.

The aim is to increase the recycling percentages in any region that could face low participation in people's willingness to recycle. This is a smart idea of how to involve individuals in a domestic level and create growth and value in the region.

You may download the report here.

The three days lectures were crucial and of top significance. The taught material was inspiring and gave us the opportunity to thing differently.