This is an area in my web page which I have created when I was attending the Masters course in Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The course gave me the opportunity to make a research and exploit new and interesting areas of expertise. It is delivered at CITY College, Thessaloniki, which is the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield.

I have completed the course by submitting the dissertation on 30th of November 2009. For more information in the course, you may visit the link:§ion_id=4

Two years ago, I thought that being 40 years old, it would be a big challenge to undertake such responsibility. But education has no age limits. On the contrary, it is the best ally of human nature. Surprisingly, I have managed to complete the taught part of the course being ranked in the first position as a student, and getting a place in the Head's list of the Computer Science Department. This was announced also in the College web page:§ion_id=10

Small achievements, are enough to provide you with adequate courage and attitude to keep on walking.

In the left column I am giving the research projects that I completed during my studies. The material is free to everyone. As it is said in the "Open Source Paradigm", please give credit to the creator by simply mentioning his name. That is enough. I hope this material to be exploited throughout time.

A first approach in the area of innovation was more than enthusiastic for me. I experienced a strong brainstorming and concluded with many thoughts and actions.

I decided to brief them in a pdf presentation. This work still remains under improvement. From time to time I intend to revert back with more results and thoughts.

Innovation - Technology - Entrepreneurship

The issue of innovation as a tool in a community, is of top priority and I have considered it crucial since its adoption provides the advantage for making sustainable what is, in and around us. Change and creativity hides within it and consist the two poles to build on.

My answer to the innovation and technology challenge within a community is the matrix of the "Innovation Creator".

The "Innovation Creator" and the "Chief Information Architect" are the two new roles which i suggest to be applied within a community. Their mission will be to innovate and inform. They will be part of the community, they will operate on daily basis and they will interact with all people and sectors. Key actions will be to act, beyond traditional channels of communication, beyond hierarchy but with consensus and focus to the people's plans and expectations.

Experience so far taught me that simple people reveal their secrets and share their expectations with the ones that walk with them on foot side-be-side.

Since my professional experience comes from the sector of education, my considerations and efforts are currently focused in the potential of adopting innovation tactics in the private education sector mostly from the administrative perspective. The truth is that the current mentality in Greece (with minimum exceptions) do not support the idea of having a powerful administrative machine which will support and boost the academic environment. Budgets are usually oriented to more "obvious" areas but my sense is that the added value is hiding somewhere else.

New era commands us to be more careful and more broaden minded. Usually the decision for a manager or a governor while being in front of a crisis may be the cost cut-off strategy. A strategy that is very often utilised and considered necessary. This is chosen to guarantee the sustainability of the company and keep the savings for future plans. But this is risk avery. No risk no return.

Instead of cutting off your resources you 'd better look for expanding your income's channels.

I have considered useful to upload some of the resources which helped me, especially when first involved with the innovation, technology and entrepreneurship. Find below this material. It may help you.